Here are the lastest pages:
I am still enjoying my part time job at Conexus. It is such a perfect job for me....I work 2 days..and leave when I get my job done..sometimes 3 hours..sometimes less. I have the best boss. I also work only 5 minutes away from Stacy and her family. I can either help babysit so she can sleep...or go to lunch and shop.
I am enjoying watching Dominic once a week. He was so giggly yesterday. I took Joelle with me so she could get some time away from "those brothers" . She could watch the tv shows she wanted ..and we went out to lunch and did some shopping....her favorite. Dominic was so good for us..
I need some newer pictures of Dominic...will have to work on that.
The kids are enjoying our neighborhood pool...we are going tonight about 7...will bring my camera this time.
The next few weeks will be busy...I am heading to a Ekegren family reunion on the 27th...should be fun to see cousins I have not seen in over 20 years.
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